Because of Alley Cat Allies’ action against Summit County, Ohio, and its county-operated animal shelter, the shelter has ceased impounding healthy cats and needlessly killing any cat it deems too “feral.”
Before we took action, cats were being impounded in the shelter regardless of whether they were community cats (who are generally not socialized to people or adoptable). Some cats were even killed the same day they arrived. Our work put a stop to it.
With cats’ lives no longer in immediate danger, we continue our legal efforts to ensure the shelter’s euthanasia practices and record-keeping are humane and appropriate. Our lawsuit remains active.
In December 2024, Alley Cat Allies filed a lawsuit in the Court of Common Pleas against Summit County and its shelter. We asked the Court to order Summit County to immediately cease its inhumane killing of cats and dogs in contravention of the law, among other relief.
The filing came after Alley Cat Allies discovered that Summit County killed cats its staff deemed to be too “feral” while also accepting surrendered cats with disregard for whether a cat was a community cat. Public records requests revealed disturbing evidence of cats and dogs being killed inhumanely by underdosing or otherwise improperly administering euthanasia drugs.
The recent changes are a large step toward protecting the community cats, and other animals, of Summit County. We will continue to work in the area to support humane, effective approaches that adhere to laws and best practices, including Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR).
Alley Cat Allies is committed to ensuring that all cats are protected under the law. Through legal victories and fearless advocacy, your generosity is creating a world where all cats’ lives are valued and cruelty is never tolerated.