This month, 20/20‘s sensationalist reporting called cats “cold-blooded killers.”
It was shoddy and irresponsible at best. At worst, it put cats’ lives in jeopardyleading to more cats being rounded up and taken to shelters where they’ll likely be killed.
It’s not just 20/20. More than 100 news organizations in the last six weeks have chosen ratings over facts, calling cats “murderers” and “killing machines.” The 20/20 segment blamed cats for the decline of bird specieswithout any scientific basis and despite overwhelming evidence that humans are responsible for environmental degradation.
If the misconceptions perpetuated by the media take hold, our fight to create safe communities for cats will suffer. We want news organizations to know that relying on propaganda from extremist groups is not real journalism. We’ve had enough.
Tell the media to stop spreading dangerous misinformation that could cost cats’ lives.
Sign our petition.