Alley Cat Allies Defends Trap-Neuter-Return in Remarks to Buena Vista City Council
… 2023 – Alley Cat Allies’ Director of Programs Alice Burton will present to the Buena Vista City Council meeting today, where she plans to explain the success of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) for community cats, as a successful TNR program in Buena Vista is being threatened to be removed by community leaders.
“TNR is working for …
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Our Petition and Legal Brief to Texas Attorney General: TNR is NOT Abandonment
Right now, the attorney general of Texas, Ken Paxton, is writing an opinion that could likely include a determination on whether Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is abandonment under Texas statute. TNR is NOT abandonment. But if the opinion says otherwise, it could have far-reaching implications that could limit the practice of TNR by municipalities …
Go to: Our Petition and Legal Brief to Texas Attorney General: TNR is NOT Abandonment
Alley Cat Allies Advocates for Cats and TNR at Pearland, TX, City Council Meeting
Another city in the Lone Star State is considering implementing a lifesaving Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program. Alley Cat Allies Director of Programs Alice Burton and Director of Communications Coryn Julien headed to Pearland, Texas, this week to educate the city council about TNR—and how a TNR program is the best way forward for …
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Alley Cat Allies Brings High-Volume Spay and Neuter & TNR to Mayfield, Kentucky

… in Mayfield, a town still recovering from the historic tornadoes in December 2021.
Our new initiative is bringing high-volume spay and neuter and Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) to Mayfield and the entire county, where there is a gap in lifesaving services for cats. Our objective is to lead with humane education, outreach, and close …
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Bill to Affirm Legality of TNR in Virginia Tabled by House
… made despite the Senate approving the bill with a two-thirds bipartisan majority a week prior, plus numerous calls, public comments, and testimony from constituents who support TNR.
TNR remains legal in Virginia. SB 1390 sought to add language to state law that would clarify this fact to all localities, many of which have hesitated …
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UPDATE: Important Bill to Affirm TNR in Virginia Hinges On Upcoming Vote
… SB 1390.
It is worthwhile to again note that TNR is already legal in Virginia. The reason behind SB 1390 is to clear up any confusion over TNR‘s legality and lay out blueprints for an effective program. The bill is not a mandate for Virginia communities to start TNR.
Additionally, the bill solidifies TNR …
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On the Path to Affirm that TNR Is Legal, Bill Passes in Virginia Senate
… is not a mandate that localities MUST do TNR, but a clarification that they CAN.
In fact, SB 1390 preserves flexibility for a municipality to tailor a TNR program to its unique needs. And if a community is not doing TNR, the bill will not force a course change.
To ensure the TNR process runs …
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Research: Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is Not Abandonment
The following research is highlighted to inform you about this particular topic. You can find more information related to this topic here:
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is Not AbandonmentAnd Local Laws Must Reflect It
Research Citations
Alaska statutes do not mention animal abandonment as a crime. AS § 03.55.100 – 190; AS § 11.61.140 …
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Alley Cat Allies Applauds Los Angeles Vote for Cats and TNR
… is its support for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). Under TNR, cats are trapped, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, ear-tipped for identification, and returned to their outdoor homes. TNR stabilizes cat populations by breaking the breeding cycle of cats.
TNR is good public policy and it is mainstream. It is practiced in thousands of communities in …
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New Study Further Highlights the Effectiveness of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)
A new study published this month in Animals provides further evidence that Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) sustainably reduces populations of community cats, also called feral cats.
The study, by Daniel D. Spehar and Peter J. Wolf, tracked the impact of TNR on a colony of cats living along a trail adjacent to the San Francisco …
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