Do you ever wonder how cats see the world? Can you read your cat’s body language and understand how she feels? By the end of our Cat Behavior Webinar Series, you’ll know all of this and more!
We’re thrilled to bring you this special series to help you learn the ins and outs of the cats in your life.
The webinars in this series:
- Understanding Your Feline Friend
- Behavioral Enrichment for Your Cat
Understanding Your Feline Friend
How well do you understand the cats in your life? Have you ever wondered how a cat’s perception of the world might differ from your own? Attend this session to learn the answers to these questions and more! Whether you have cats of your own, foster them, or work at a shelter or rescue, this session, focusing on important parts of cat biology and behavior, will increase your understanding of and ability to build positive relationships with cats from all walks of life.
Behavioral Enrichment for Your Cat
Without mental and physical stimulation, cats can become bored and lazy, which can ultimately affect their quality of life. By offering enrichment, we give cats opportunities to think, learn, and do things that they like to do. From strategies for shelter staff and volunteers to clever tricks for fosters and owned cats, this webinar will have something for you!