Lost & Found Cat Resources for a feral cat

Alley Cat Allies Resources

Low-Cost Vet Care Directory Animal Food Bank Directory
Research | Trap-Neuter-Return, Veterinarian Awareness

Feral Cats and the Public: A Healthy Relationship

The science behind why feral cats are safe members of our communities.

Guide/How-to | Veterinarian Awareness

Advocacy Tools: Veterinary Awareness

Get the materials you need to share information with veterinarians about community cats and Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), all in one convenient bundle! This is a great way to help veterinarians get started in incorporating community cats into their practice.

Guide/How-to | Veterinarian Awareness

Veterinary Resource Center

Our Veterinary Resource Center has all the answers about cat health and behavior. Veterinarians: read all about community cat medical concerns. Learn more!

Guide/How-to | Animal Shelter, Trap-Neuter-Return, Veterinarian Awareness

Cat Identification Guide

Guide/How-to | Animal Shelter, Plan to Scan, Veterinarian Awareness

Microchips Save Lives

Guide/How-to | Animal Shelter, Plan to Scan, Veterinarian Awareness

How to Scan a Cat for a Microchip

Guide/How-to | Plan to Scan, Veterinarian Awareness

Sample Veterinary Protocols: Microchipping and Scanning

As a veterinary professional, you are a trusted resource in your community. Clients may turn to you for help in reuniting lost or stray animals with their owners.

Encouraging your clients to microchip their pet and community cats will dramatically increase the likelihood of a reunion should their cat become lost or end up in a shelter. It is also important to remind pet owners to keep their contact information up to date with the microchip company or through a universal no-cost registry

Research | Veterinarian Awareness

Rabies: A Public Health Victory

Learn what you need to know about rabies. Why isn't it a public health threat? How does vaccination help? Discover why cats are a healthy part of the community.

Fact Sheet | Trap-Neuter-Return, Veterinarian Awareness

Community Cat Protocol: Eartipping

Eartipping is an effective and universally accepted method to identify a spayed or neutered and vaccinated feral cat. It is the removal of the distal one-quarter of a cat's left ear, which is approximately 3/8 inch, or 1 cm, in an adult and proportionally smaller in a kitten.

Case Studies | Animal Shelter, Boardwalk Cats Project, Plan to Scan, Veterinarian Awareness

The Power of a Microchip: Reuniting Cats and their Families

A scan of a microchip reunited these cats with their familiesand this is just scratching the surface of all the success stories!

Webinar | Animal Shelter, Veterinarian Awareness

Cat Behavior Webinar Series

Do you ever wonder how cats see the world? Can you read your cat's body language and understand how they feel? By the end of our new Cat Behavior Series, you'll know all of this and more!

Fact Sheet | Veterinarian Awareness

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)