Lost & Found Cat Resources for a feral cat

Alley Cat Allies Resources

Low-Cost Vet Care Directory Animal Food Bank Directory
Research | Trap-Neuter-Return, Veterinarian Awareness

Feral Cats and the Public: A Healthy Relationship

The science behind why feral cats are safe members of our communities.

Research | Cats and the Law

Cat Licensing Laws

Passing a law mandating that all owners license their cats will increase the number of cats killed in animal pounds and shelters.

Research | Trap-Neuter-Return

Feral Cat Health Analysis: Living Healthy Lives Outdoors

Feral catsor cats not socialized to humansare healthy and content in their outdoor homes. Research shows they do not suffer harsh lives or pose a health risk to other cats.

Research | Trap-Neuter-Return

Why Trap-Neuter-Return Feral Cats? The Case for TNR

What is Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)? Trap-Neuter-Return is the humane & effective approach to community cats. It stabilizes cat populations by stopping reproduction. Learn more about TNR & how it improves the lives of community cats.

Research | Cats and Wildlife

Junk Science Gets Cats Killed

Research | Veterinarian Awareness

Rabies: A Public Health Victory

Learn what you need to know about rabies. Why isn't it a public health threat? How does vaccination help? Discover why cats are a healthy part of the community.

Research | Spay/Neuter, Trap-Neuter-Return, Veterinarian Awareness

Non-surgical Contraception for Cats A Potential Lifesaver During COVID-19

Research | Community Change

Animals Are Not The Only Victims: Can We Afford the Human Cost of Humane Euthanasia?

Research | Trap-Neuter-Return

Trap-Neuter-Return Research Compendium

Research | Trap-Neuter-Return

Research: The Vacuum Effect

Research | Veterinarian Awareness

Article: Are Vaccines Worth It?

Research | Cats and the Law

Research: Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is Not Abandonment