This feature comes from our Fall 2015 Alley Cat Action newsletter. Receive a print version, delivered to your home on a quarterly basis, when you donate $20 or more.

Alley Cat Allies is working with and supporting cat advocates and communities across the nation, helping them protect cats.

Spay & Neuter Clinic Thrives With Help of TNR Grant

Colorado’s Fort Collins Cat Rescue and Spay and Neuter Clinic has been recognized for its near 35,000 spay/neuters on community cats and dogs. Its founder was honored by local paper The Coloradoan as one of its 2015 Colorado Super Women, and Alley Cat Allies is proud to say that we also support the clinic’s work and provided funding in November 2014. We gave the Fort Collins Cat Rescue $1,000 toward a mission to vaccinate and spay/neuter nearly 100 community cats.

Even More TNR in Missouri

Missouri communities have been increasingly embracing TNR, and now we can add Bland to the list of cities making the change! In June, Alley Cat Allies bolstered an emerging TNR program in Richland, Missouri, with a grant, and its success created a domino effect. In July, the Bland City Council passed a TNR ordinance inspired by Richland’s. Neighboring cities are now in the process of considering new ordinances of their own.

Alley Cat Allies awarded a grant of $9,000 to help the low-cost spay and neuter clinic, Protect Every Pet, provide TNR services in Bland and beyond. With your support, we look forward to continuing our work in Missouri to help
other communities protect cats!

Supporting TNR in Texas Communities

We helped advocates in Arlington, Texas, pass a TNR resolution in 2013, and now we’re helping streamline and improve the community’s TNR policy. Since the resolution, the advocacy group Friends of Arlington Animal Services (FAAS) has used a shelter-neuter-return program to save community cats that would have otherwise been killed in the shelter. The group has trapped, neutered, and returned a total of 3,000 community cats so far. Alley Cat Allies awarded a grant of $7,500 to FAAS for TNR, humane education, and more local programs to protect cats.

Spreading the TNR Revolution

We help municipal governments all over America pass ordinances that protect community cats. We are also the only group in the country researching the number of ordinances and policies that
support TNRthere are 524 in the nation today! Here are the communities we helped pass ordinances in the past year.

  1. Bowie, Maryland
  2. Rockville, Maryland
  3. Detroit, Oregon
  4. Cheyenne, Wyoming
  5. Dunbar, West Virginia
  6. Richland, Missouri
  7. Gainesville, Texas
  8. Lake County, Florida
  9. Crocker, Missouri
  10. Bland, Missouri

You can support TNR ordinances in your community by visiting