Hi everyone,
We say it all the time: Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is a mainstream practice throughout the country and the world. We’re seeing more people and communities than ever embracing TNR as the only humane and effective approach to addressing community cat populations.
This was clear at the National Animal Care and Control Association (NACA) Training Conference in Denver two week ago. Alley Cat Allies attended this conference to share ideas with Animal Control Officers (ACOs) about how they can help community cats and to honor NACA on its 40th anniversary.

Here I am with National Animal Care and Control Association (NACA) President Rob Leinberger, after he accepted an award I presented on behalf of Alley Cat Allies for NACA’s 40th anniversary.
Every year at this conference, we see stronger support for TNR and community cats from the animal control and sheltering community. It’s not just a small group of people in the animal sheltering world embracing and advocating for TNRit’s the law enforcement and municipal agencies that ACOs belong to as well.
As a former ACO and a newly elected board member of NACA, this conference, and its audience, is very important to me. I understand animal control officers’ questions and concerns about TNR, and work to help them become believers in TNR, just like I did. As Alley Cat Allies’ associate director of Animal Shelter and Animal Control Engagement, I frequently work with animal shelter officials, ACOs, advocates, and elected officials to help them implement TNR and other programs that save cats’ lives.
I had a busy but inspiring week of meetings and other conference events. It was great to chat with ACOs from all over the country and hear about how they are helping community cats and increasing the number of animals saved at their shelters.
The resources Alley Cat Allies had on hand at the conference were a hit, including our cat identification guide and poster, which we developed specifically after hearing from attendees after last year’s NACA conference. Those resources help ACOs and shelter staff identify cats, so they can more easily be returned to owners and their outdoor homes if they are impounded.
Alley Cat Allies also presented NACA with an award to celebrate its 40th anniversary. Alley Cat Allies is proud to have a strong partnership with NACA. Together, we can ensure that cats are protected around the globe.
We count on organizations like NACA to support our efforts to help cats. We couldn’t do our lifesaving work without them.
Until next time,
Alice Burton
Associate Director of Animal Shelter & Animal Control Engagement, Alley Cat Allies