Connecting with Fellow Cat Advocates

Connecting with other people who care for cats can be really helpful.
Cat advocates unite! If you care about cats, you’re in good company. Cat advocates live all over the world and defy stereotypes. When we come together to protect and improve the lives of all cats, we can achieve so much.
If you provide hands-on care for cats outdoors, you’re not alone! In fact, if you care for community cats you may be surprised to learn that it’s not uncommon for cats to have several caregivers in the neighborhood.
Connecting with other people who care for community cats, including advocates who want to protect cats, can be really helpful. Some ways you can connect:
- Join forces to care for cats. If you are already caring for community cats on your own, joining with fellow cat advocatess can be a big help. When people work together to care for cats, it can lighten the load. You can share costs, resources, time, and be moral support for one another . It’s especially important to have other caregivers to rely on if you are unable to care for the cats you are usually responsible for (whether it’s because you’re sick, moving from the neighborhood, or going on vacation.)
- Band together to advocate on cats’ behalf. If you need to fight a law that hurts cats, or if you want to champion an ordinance that will help them, you’ll need people to help you advocate. Meeting up with fellow cat advocates before the timing is critical will help you when you really need to rally support.
- Create a support network. Connecting with fellow cat advocates can help you with the little things in life: sharing tips on cat care, passing on a great deal on cat food, getting backup when talking to a grumpy neighbor, having someone to share your sorrow when a cat you care for passes on, and your joy when you finally (finally!) get a purr from the most feral cat you’ve ever cared for. It’s good to know you’re not alone!
- If you are feeling overwhelmed or just need to talk, please call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline toll-free at 1-800-273-8255. There is no cost and you can call anytime 24/7. Please share this number with anyone you know who is in distress.
So where do you find these fellow cat advocates? Here are some ideas:
- Community outreach. Chances are good that there are people in your community, right in your neighborhood, who care about cats. You can meet them with a little community outreach; that is, getting out in your community and starting a conversation about cats. Some ways to reach out:
- Make yourself available by introducing yourself to your neighbors, sharing contact information, and letting them know they can come to you with community cat questions or concerns.
- If you see that cats are being fed, leave a note to connect with the cats’ caregiver. You can collaborate on ensuring the cats are cared for and protected.
- Hold a workshop in your community or share our webinars to educate others about community cats.
- Host a movie night and share our videos.
- Find more ideas and resources for reaching out with our Educating Others
- Alley Cat Allies’ social networks. Friends in person are great, but so are friends online! Connect with us on your favorite social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and join the conversation about cats.
- Alley Cat Allies’ Feral Friends Network*. Our Feral Friends Network is comprised of individuals and organizations across the country and around the world working to help cats and the people who care for them. Our Feral Friends’ areas of expertise vary. They’re veterinary professionals, community cat caregivers, TNR experts, and others with community cat experience. Request a list of Feral Friends near you and apply to join as an individual or organization.
We hope you take a moment to connect with fellow cat advocates. Not only is it fun to hang out with other people who love cats, you’ll also be able to make a big impact on protecting and improving the lives of cats where you live.
*Feral Friends are not representatives, employees, volunteers, or agents of Alley Cat Allies. Learn more in our FAQ.