OAKLAND, Calif. June 15, 2021 Alley Cat Allies President and Founder Becky Robinson condemned today’s decision by the East Bay Regional Park District in California to move forward with a policy calling for shooting and killing cats in the parks.
“East Bay Parks are now set to become killing fields for cats,” Robinson said. “Hunting cats has nothing to do with conservation in parks, and the claims of shooting cats “˜humanely’ is as ridiculous as it sounds. Killing has been totally discredited as a means of population control. The East Bay Parks are making a terrible mistake by turning away from nonlethal options and embracing a deadly path that is extremely unpopular with the residents of Alameda and Contra Costa counties.”
The East Bay Parks embrace of killing cats comes despite the fact that the policy is overwhelmingly unpopular among residents of Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
A poll conducted this spring revealed that 78 percent of people in the East Bay view hunting and shooting of free-roaming cats with gunsa core element of the proposed policyas unacceptable in East Bay communities.
Killing cats consistently fails as a means of population control because the population rebounds as other cats move in to fill the space freed by the temporary population reduction. This phenomenon is known as the Vacuum Effect and it has been documented in studies of cats, coyotes, and other mammals. The survey was conducted May 1-8, 2021 by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates of Oakland, California. Six hundred registered voters in Alameda and Contra Costa counties were interviewed, with data weighted to reflect Census demographics of adults in the two counties.
About Alley Cat Allies
Alley Cat Allies is the leader of a global movement to protect cats and kittens. Now in our 31st anniversary year, we are joined by over 650,000 supporters worldwide.
Alley Cat Allies believes every cat deserves to live out his or her life to the fullest. We exposed an entrenched system in which animal control agencies and shelters have been killing millions of cats for over a century. Today, the lifesaving programs we introduced in the United States are mainstream.
To achieve our goals, we collaborate with grassroots advocates, animal shelters, municipal managers, and lawmakers to replace deadly laws and policies with ones that protect cats. We defend all cats by offering cutting edge education online, in person, and through one-on-one dialogue. We advance innovations such as Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and Shelter-Neuter-Return (SNR), high-quality, high-volume spay and neuter, microchipping, anti-declawing legislation, and any program that best serves the interests of cats.