Why Access to Care Saves Lives: Zucky’s Story
Alley Cat Allies works with veterinarians to boost access to care and no-cost services for cats. And, we support caregivers who aren’t in a financial position to afford treatment for the cats and kittens they love.
Zucky, from Virginia, is just one of many cats receiving care thanks to our supporters like you! Her family needed some help to afford treatment for a wound on her leg, and we stepped in right away to cover the costs. Zucky is over 16 years old and deserves to live her golden years in comfort and pain-free.
We hope you enjoy these photos of Zucky courtesy of her family—and know that YOU are the reason she’s recovering!
Clover and Charm: Where They Are Now
We recently looked back on brother and sister Clover and Charm—and their journey from tiny, sickly kittens to thriving young cats—so we decided to check in with their new family. We’re so glad to report that they’re doing amazing (and getting so big!).
Clover is now named Camembert (Bear for short) and Charm is now Brie. And yes, they’re still inseparable!
A message from Bear and Brie’s family: “These kitties are so much fun! They are very playful and are always together. They love snuggling up with all of us and they’re friendly to everyone who comes in the door. They have brought so much joy to our family. Thank you, Alley Cat Allies!”
And thank YOU for making it possible to save their lives. Our supporters like you power all of our critical work to protect cats and kittens around the nation and the world!
Get Ready to Help Cats in the Warmest Months
With the weather warming up, outdoor cat shelters are a great way to help community cats stay comfortable! We have shelter ideas to purchase or build (a great community or family project!) at alleycat.org/ShelterGallery.
Place outdoor cat shelters in areas where you already know community cats like to lounge and rest. Be sure they’re out of the way of foot traffic; preferably they are tucked into spaces that are out of sight for the cats’ comfort as well. We recommend building or purchasing shelters that have two means of entry and exit, so cats don’t ever feel trapped!
How Old Is That Kitten?
Here’s a little kitten knowledge test: How old is little Coco in this picture?
If you need a hint, our How Old Is That Kitten? guide is here to help: alleycat.org/KittenProgression.