“Beginning in the early 1990s trap/neuter/return (TNR) protocols, pioneered in this country by Alley Cat Allies, changed the fundamental paradigm for managing free-roaming stray and feral cats collectively known as community cats.”
– Gregory Castle, CEO Best Friends Animal Society
Alley Cat Allies is the leader of the global movement to protect and improve cats’ lives. For 34 years, we’ve inspired individuals and communities to work to change laws, improve shelters and, most importantly, save cats and kittens.
Since our founding in 1990, we have championed Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) as the only humane and effective approach to community cats, or unowned cats who live outdoors. By establishing and promoting optimal standards of care, we have propelled the humane treatment of cats into the global spotlight.
Before Alley Cat Allies, TNR was virtually unknown in the United States. No local government endorsed the approach and many of those in the animal welfare field who knew of TNR considered it little more than a pipe dream. Today, municipalities and animal organizations all across the country have officially embraced TNR, and it is the benchmark for effective, lifesaving community cat care. Moreover, bolstered by Alley Cat Allies’ educational materials, TNR continues to take root around the world.
Over 1.5 million supporters as well as advocates worldwide look to Alley Cat Allies for leadership in the movement to protect cats’ lives. We advance humane, evidence-based, effective policies for cats in all communities, reject cruel and archaic lethal policies against cats, and work toward a world that values the lives of all animals.
Our years of experience in grassroots organizing, hands-on activism, and education has empowered policymakers, veterinarians, nonprofit organizations, volunteer groups, activists, and caregivers with the tools and knowledge to practice, teach, and advocate for humane care for cats in every community.
From our headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland, Alley Cat Allies serves as the voice for cats and the millions of people who care for them.