Community cats thrive in all kinds of weather and environments, but there are always a few ways we humans can help them out! With another hot summer upon us, here are some ways you can keep cats cool through next few months:

1. Keep the water flowing

Cats can easily become dehydrated when it’s hot out. To encourage them to drink more, make sure their water is always fresh—change it multiple times per day, or invest in a pet water fountain. You can also add ice cubes or bring out an extra bowl of frozen water. As the ice melts, they’ll enjoy plenty of cool water. Make sure to put the water dishes in a shaded area or feeding station.

2. Give them shade

Providing easy access to shaded places, like under a porch or deck, allows cats to take breaks from the hot summer sun. You can build an outdoor cat shelter on the cheap with supplies found at any hardware store. Check out our easy outdoor cat shelter instructions.

3. Stay cool when trapping

If you perform Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in the summer, make sure trapped cats don’t overheat. Never leave a trapped cat in the car, out in the sun, or on a pavement or asphalt surface. Once the cat is trapped, keep her in the shade with a trap cover or in an air-conditioned space.

4. Watch out for overheating

If you think a cat might be suffering from hyperthermia, or overheating, contact a veterinarian immediately. Signs include rapid breathing or panting, drooling, vomiting, lethargy, excessive grooming, and redness of the tongue and mouth.

For help finding a community cat friendly veterinarian, request a list of our Feral Friends Network members in your area at

For more information about summer safety for outdoor cats, please visit