Our 2021-2022 calendar is filled with inspirational stories and photos of beautiful catsit’s a celebration of the animals Alley Cat Allies works to protect every day of the year. Our supporters from around the world sent in thousands of cat photographs for consideration in our calendar, and these are the entries we featured. We hope you enjoy the photos of these wonderful felines as much as we do!
Percy—Coat Length: Longhair
Look at those ear tufts! Percy enjoys zooming around Megan's house, playing hide and seek with brother Angus, and bird-watching with a similar expression as photographed. Percy also loves spending time on his outdoor catio, which he enters and exits through a window left open for him. If Megan asks Percy to give her a "porch kiss," he will come up to the window and touch noses with her!
Chibs—Coat Color: Black
Handsome Chibs is part of a family of community cats Jenni cares for in her neighborhood. With a personality that outsizes even his long, fluffy fur, Chibs only accepts affection if treats are involved and never misses a chance to follow Jenni on her nightly dog walks. He even keeps pace with and rubs up against Jenni's dog!
Willow—Coat Color: Gray
Russian Blue Willow is named for the fluffy grey blossoms of the pussy willow flower! Laurie first spotted Willow, and her two kittens, in a pile of leaves on her driveway. The kittensSalt and Pepperhave since found a loving home together while Willow was spayed through a TNR program. She continues to live happily outdoors as an "extended member" of Laurie's family, and with a special shelter all her own.
Hazel—Coat Color: Calico
Petite and precious Hazel can never get enough attention, and purrs instantly whenever she is pet or cuddled. As the princess of Marisa's house, revered for her gorgeous calico coat and charming little meow, Hazel wants and deserves the spotlight at all times!
Nancy—Coat Color: Tortoiseshell
As an indoor/outdoor cat, Nancy enjoys spending time outdoors with her family (as pictured) and joining them on walks through the neighborhood. She is especially attached to Kyra, and cuddles a stuffed cow toy Kyra gave her whenever she is lonely.
Mello—Coat Markings: Blaze
Named after the Carmello Cadbury bar, Mello was sweet as can be, super gentle, and loved all of his feline siblings and human family members. He even won over Suzanne's husband, who was at first skeptical about taking Mello in. Mello lived a healthy life as an FIV-positive cat and though he's now passed on, he was, and will always be, Suzanne's favorite.
Simon—Coat Markings: Eye Patch
Simon was rescued as a kitten by a UPS delivery driver, and is now a young, energetic cat enjoying the good life. He loves to play fetch with his favorite glitter ball and go "belly up" to get his tummy scratched. Simon is pictured here snuggling in what he considers "his" chair, and Mary Jo is glad to let him have it!
Bunny—Coat Markings: Van
Named after her large ears and small body, Bunny is adorable and affectionate despite her difficult history. After narrowly escaping a grim fate at a shelter with lethal policies, it was a long time before Bunny found a safe home of her own. Thankfully Robin and her husband chose to adopt her, and were inspired by her to help rescue even more cats in dire situations.
Sylvester—Coat Patterns: Bicolor Cats
Community cat Sylvester spends his days hanging around Chris' backyard with his best feline friends, Clipper and Tab. Though avoidant at first, Sylvester now allows Chris to approach and pet him. When it's raining or snowing, Sylvester enjoys watching the weather from Chris' covered porch.
Kitty Kitty—Coat Patterns: Pointed Cats
Those eyes pierce straight into your heart! Community cat Kitty Kitty strolled under Sheryl's apple trees to enjoy a meal set out for neighborhood cats, and got her picture taken while she was at it. Following best practice, Sheryl recently had Kitty Kitty spayed so she can continue to live a long, healthy life in her outdoor home.
Disaster—Tabby Patterns: Classic
Don't be alarmed! Disaster's name is inspired by Christopher's former career in emergency management, not his actions. Disaster, Dis for short, is actually sweet as can be. He greets Christopher enthusiastically when he comes home, stays by his side, and sleeps with him every night. When he isn't being Christopher's shadow, Dis enjoys picking play fights with housemate Catastrophe and watching big cats on TV.
Cliff and Woody—Tabby Patterns: Mackerel
Cliff and Woody are members of a family of community cats living on caregiver Mary's Wisconsin farm. Though they are independent barn catsthey don't enjoy being picked up, and Mary respects their wishesCliff and Woody are friendly and talkative. They're also nosey and ever-curious, so following Mary around is among their favorite pastimes.
Rajon—Tabby Patterns: Ticked
She's got the spirit! Lovable and easygoing Rajon has been brightening the life of her family for more than a decade. And though she has asthma, she never lets that get her down. She just uses her inhaler like any asthmaticand even sits down and tilts her head up to get ready when she sees it!
Elka—Back Cover
Elka is the most beautiful and hilarious cat you'll ever meet, and there's plenty of video evidence of it! It's hard not to whip out a camera when Elka steals the show with her flops, rolls, and kitty songs.