What to Do if Neighbors Complain
When neighbors complain about community cats, it is important to swiftly address their concerns in a manner that is calm, productive, and oriented toward a peaceful solution. Every solution, however, should involve allowing the cats to remain in their outdoor homes.
Conflicts with Property Management
If you care for community cats on property that is not owned by you for example: at an apartment complex, strip mall, or restaurant parking lot you may experience conflicts with the property management.
Negotiating Tips
Negotiating is what happens when you discuss opposing viewpoints and come to a mutually agreed upon resolution. When it comes to negotiating for community cats, the end result can save or endanger cats' lives. Negotiating can be tricky, but our negotiating tips will help.
Interacting with Animal Control
If you find yourself interacting with animal control officers or local law enforcement, check out our guide Know Your Rights: How to Talk to Local Authorities. It will tell you everything you need to know.
How to Handle a Citation or Fine
Being threatened with or receiving a citation can be a very difficult and scary situation. Alley Cat Allies cannot provide legal advice, but we do have some resources that should help.
Addressing Violent Threats Against Cats
If someone threatens the cats you care for, you should take it very seriously. There are things you can do to prevent threats from escalating, especially because the law is on your side. Intentionally injuring or killing a cat is a criminal offense.
If Cats You Care for Have Been Harmed or Killed
Confronting animal cruelty can be overwhelming, but the cats need your help. As you may know, intentionally harming or killing a cat is illegalwhether they're owned, stray, or unowned. If someone has harmed the cats you care for, there are steps you can take.
Working With Law Enforcement to Protect Cats
If someone has made threats against the cats you care for, or if the cats have already been harmed or killed, you should immediately file a police report.
What to Do if Your Local Animal Shelter Kills Community Cats
If your local animal shelter kills community cats, there are things you can do. Shelters respond to the needs of their community, so when local people like you demand change they must listen.
Fighting Laws and Policies That Endanger Cats
If there is a law being proposed that would endanger cats' well-being, or if there are already bad laws in place, there are things you can do to advocate for the cats and fight the bad laws.